About Wo'O's Table, BAN (Best Americans Network) and IdeaFarm (tm) Operations
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Software development and operations offices:
Wo'O IdeaFarm Operations
(a California for-profit sole proprietorship) |
IdeaFarm Operations, Incorporated
(a California nonprofit religious corporation) |
IDEAFARM.COM is primarily the website for the sole proprietorship. But it is also provisionally the website for a nonprofit corporation that is now being organized. The two organizations pursue complementary missions, but operate independently of each other.
In the for-profit sole proprietorship, Professor Wo'O IdeaFarm (Ph.D. Lite, University of Chicago) teaches social science to students who register by subscribing. All of the course material is presented here on IDEAFARM.COM, and you can study it independently. But if you want to understand it correctly and master it, so that you can apply it and benefit from it, you will need the classroom experience and the collaboration with other students that is only available to registered students. The "classroom" experience and collaboration is accomplished using subscriber-only chat rooms. Mission: Teach "memes of empowerment" to empower "We The People" against "The Evil Establishment".
The nonprofit religious corporation that is now being organized will be similar in scope and function to the Catholic Church, but funded by membership dues and operated transparently. Mission: Promote unselfish living. Function: Organizes family-friendly "villages" of good, strong men and women who cooperate to prosper and to win at the game of life, and who are committed to a way of life that is focused on producing children who will also become good, strong men and women. Features: Promotes faith-based religious living according to any theistic or atheistic religious tradition that promotes unselfish living.
IdeaFarm Operations, Incorporated came into legal existence and began operations on January 1, 2025 upon the filing of Articles of Incorporation. It is currently being organized and membership will eventually be available to every adult human being on the planet. Until directors and advisors are elected, membership is, and will remain, by invitation only. To be considered for acceptance as a founding member, register as a student and study toward receipt of the CM (Certificate of Mastery).
When fully operational, the corporation will pursue its mission independently of Wo'O IdeaFarm's sole proprietorship and will have its own website. The filed Articles of Incorporation is an enforceable ([Corp. C. 9223]) legal document that binds the corporation to operate in a particular way in pursuit of a specific mission and purpose:
The following bylaws are also legally enforceable by any member, by filing an action in a California Superior Court. The incorporator currently controls the corporation, but once members have elected a board of directors, the corporation will be controlled by those directors, subject to the Articles of Incorporation. The Board of Directors will have the power to amend the Bylaws. So, once there is membership, the corporation will be fully controlled by the members. See the Articles of Incorporation for details:
IDEAFARM.COM is a private, for-profit business owned by Wo'O IdeaFarm (legal name Wo Of Ideafarm), a dual citizen of the United States of America and of IdeaFarm (tm) City. Its owner, Wo'O IdeaFarm, is the incorporator and provisional CEO of the nonprofit religious corporation.
The "sales commissions" described below are currently booked but not paid out. The owner intends to use [Hyperwallet] for sales commission payouts. The commission revenue actually received by the seller is net of any fees charged by Hyperwallet and is subject to Hyperwallet's minimum withdrawal and other terms. Funds never claimed that Hyperwallet returns to the owner of IDEAFARM.COM are credited to the commission fund described below.
Revenue from IDEAFARM.COM is divided between its owner and the "sellers" who persuade people to make purchases. Practically anywo, worldwide, can be a "seller". To be a seller, you need to either be able to receive Hyperwallet payouts yourself or know somewo that you can trust to receive them for you. For each new subscription, the entire initial payment, after transaction and exchange fees, is paid out immediately as sales commission, either to the specified seller or to a commission fund. For nonsubscription purchases, a percentage of the purchase price less transaction and exchange fees, is paid out immediately as commission.
The current sales commission rate is 100% (of the initial net payment) for subscription sales, and 10% for other sales. To receive sales commissions, you must be a registered "hawker". Register "economy" if you are new to this and want to try it out. Register "premium" if you are making money with your economy registration and want to obtain a shorter Hawker's ID value, which will be easier for people to remember and enter. Register by subscribing here:
[Click here to manage your subscription]
There are re kinds of men. Men who make things happen. Men who watch things happen. Men who wonder what happened.
Watching what is happening is not an option here. If you want to make things happen, both in your life and in the world, register as a student and study toward receipt of your CM!
BAN, currently in development, will network people anonymously and will be open to every human being on the planet. BAN, and all other "empowerment initiatives" mentioned on IDEAFARM.COM, are owned by Wo'O IdeaFarm and are part of the for-profit sole proprietorship. Nothing on IDEAFARM.COM, other than the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws, speaks to the nature or scope of the nonprofit religious corporation.
Source: Email from The Epoch Times
Help wanted! IDEAFARM.COM is the life work of a 70 year old genius. Do you see yourself as a man or woman of talent or genius? If so, Wo'O IdeaFarm would like to become acquainted with you.